Phuket is one of the best known Holiday Locations in Southeast Asia with its beautiful Beaches and stunning Landscape. As I didn`t get the "grilling on the Beach" in my DNA Transcrips, I soon found another Activity at the Beach.
The Airport is quite a Distance away from the main Beaches and resorts, but transport is plentiful and there`s also a small Village closeby. The only good Photopoint is on the Nai Yang Beach on the west Side of The Airport, you get there after a 15 min. Walk along the Beach.
The Windconditions can change fast, but during my time there about 50% Runway 09 was in use, which means low approaches right over the beach. Runway 27 operations is a little harder to get from this position, but some planes roll out long and taxi close to the Gate. You shouldn`t bee seen too close to the fence by the police though, they will send you away.
Traffic consists of Thai, Bangkok Air and Air Asia as the main local Carriers, but also many other Asian Capitals are connected to Phuket. Then you will see many Charter Carriers from Europe during the main tourist season. The Thai Navy has a small Base on the North Side of the Airport, which widens the variety of traffic even more.
Photo equipement:
The shots above are made with focal lenghts of 20-400mm. You will be in a exposed sandy environnment, but who doesn`t like beaches for some reason...