This is my first report with pictures from my visit to Jinghong Xhishuangbanna Airport ( JNG ), dating back to 23.12.2008.
The Airport is situated about 5 km southwest of town, easily reachable by all means of transportations. It`s elevation is 550 m AMSL and it has a 2200m RWY 16/34. On the Terminal Side of the airport there`s no view to the Runway except through the windows when you happen to be in the departure area.
However, after cycling around the southern end of the runway and walking along the southwestern side of the Runway I found a elevated area in the Rice fields that provides exellent views to the terminal and the whole runway as well.
The only disappointment are the garbage-nets hanging from bamboo sticks all along the runway. They can disturb your pictures somewhat.
Traffic is not very high, about 20 movements per day, mostly B737 from various Chinese Airlines. Most of them arrive and fly back to Kunming(KMG)
Photo equipement:
The 100-400 suited me just perfect from the mentionded location.
I had no troubles with anyone, however it`s always better to keep low profile.
There`s airports in China with much more traffic, but given it`s quite easy accessibility this airport provided a interesting afternoon bycicle trip.